Comments can be posted only for topics opened on this forum by the administrator. If registered users have any proposals, they should submit them to the forum administrator so the latter could create and open new topics for comments.

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In case you believe that the web-platform or its users has violated your copyrights, please report such violations on the e-mail address: Copyright infringement reports will be immediately reconsidered, and disputable contents will be removed once their truthfulness is established.

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By registering on this web-platform, users are obliged to use correct personal data and are allowed to freely choose their account and password. Any individual can register and choose their account name.

The web-platform waives all and any responsibility for contents posted by website users.

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After it has been established that possible complaints are justified, the web-portal is obliged, within a reasonable deadline, to remove contents posted by website users that are not in compliance with enforceable laws or that are in violation to the terms and conditions of use.

The forum moderators and administrators retain the right to remove, without prior notification, all and any information posted thereon by registered users that are in violation of the terms and conditions of use. This includes contents posted on the forum, the gallery, user data, avatars, signatures, and even accounts, when it has been decided that such action is necessary.

Macedonian language is the official language for this forum and the use of Cyrillic alphabet is recommended. All messages written in other languages will be deleted, and relevant users will be reprimanded for violation of the terms and conditions of use.

Any queries, proposals, criticism and suggestions related to the forum and the terms and conditions of use should be submitted to the e-mail address: and will be responded as soon as possible.

The web-portal users are obliged to keep their registration account and username private and confidential. The administrators cannot be considered liable for unauthorised use of registration accounts by third parties or possible damages to users incurred in this manner.