On request from the Cabinet of Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs., Coordination of Economic Areas and Investments, the Council for Cooperation with and Development of Civil Society announces an open call for participation of civil society representatives (four members and four deputy members) in SWG Competitiveness and Innovation under IPA III 2021-2027, WINDOW 4: Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth, thematic priority 2: Development of Private Sector, Trade, Research and Development.
IPA III is the European Commission’s Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance for the programming period 2021-2027. This instrument is introduced under every new EU financial perspective. In particular, IPA III generation is based on lessons learned from the previous two instruments, i.e. IPA (2007-2013) and IPA II (2014-2020). In the past years and at the moment, the Republic of North Macedonia was and still benefits from IPA and IPA II. IPA III is introduced with adoption of the Regulation on Establishing the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance and the Regulation on Implementing Rules and Principles for IPA III by the European Union. According to its structure, IPA III is organized around 5 windows and 17 thematic priorities, as those being, WINDOW 1: Rule of Law, Fundamental Rights and Democracy; WINDOW 2: Good Governance. Acquis Alignment, Good Neighbourly Relations and Strategic Communication; WINDOW 3: Green Agenda and Sustainable Connectivity; WINDOW 4: Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth; and WINDOW 5: Territorial and Cross-Border Cooperation.
Deadline for submission of applications is 25 March 2022. More information about the open call and conditions for application is available on this link.
Download application form.
Photo by: The Economic Times