24 November 2021 – The project “CSO Dialogue – Platform for Structural Participation in EU Integrations” organized online sector consultations for the first cluster “Fundamentals of the EU Accession Process”. The purpose of these consultations, attended by 30 representatives of civil society organizations, was to provide recommendations by the civil society, in a structured manner, relating to the European Commission’s 2021 country progress report. During the consultations, civil society organizations were divided into five groups according to their area of operation to discuss key problems and make proposals that should contribute towards revision of the plan “Europe at Home”.
Draft recommendations whose definition was subject of discussion concerns topics such as:
- democracy (elections, parliament, governance, civil society) and public administration reform;
- performance of the judiciary;
- anticorruption;
- fundamental rights and justice, freedom and security, and civic oversight on security/intelligence sector;
- economic development and competitiveness, public procurements, statistics and financial control.
The sector consultations were completed with presentation of recommendations per group and definition of next steps for civil society organizations in terms of improved and essential civil society involvement in sector working groups and debate on EU integrations.