On 24 November 2021, from 12:30 to 14:30, the project “CSO Dialogue–Platform for Structural Participation in EU Integrations” organizes online sector consultations for the first cluster “Fundamentals of the EU Accession Process”. The purpose of these consultations is to ensure structured manner for recommendations from civil society organizations in respect to the European Commission’s 2021 country progress reports. In particular, mid-term recommendations are envisaged to contribute towards revision of the plan “Europe at Home”.
Introductory information on the purpose of sector consultations will be provided by Nada Naumovska from the Foundation Open Society–Macedonia, followed by discussion of draft recommendations for institutions in respect to the first cluster called Fundamentals of the EU Accession Process. CSOs will work in five separate groups focused on following topics:
- Democracy (elections, parliament, governance, civil society) and public administration reform;
- Performance of the judiciary;
- Anticorruption;
- Fundamental rights and justice, freedom and security, and civil oversight on security/intelligence sector;
- Economic development and competitiveness, public procurements, statistics and financial control.
Sector consultations with be completed with presentation of recommendations per group and definition of next steps.