Guide on Institutional Mechanisms for Civil Society Participation in Policy Making Related to EU Integrations was developed as part of the project “CSO Dialogue – Platform for Structural Participation in EU Integrations”.
This Guide is aimed at presenting opportunities for civil society organizations to join the EU integration process. It provides an overview of EU institutions and their respective competences, EU structure and policies and current priorities; offers information on the EU accession process of the Republic of North Macedonia and methods for civil society organizations to join this process; provides detailed description of mechanisms for civil society participation in policy creation in the Republic of North Macedonia, as well as possibilities for regional networking. Moreover, the Guide puts forward proposals for adequate tools, mechanisms and methods for civil society participation; presents good practices from organizations, institutions and initiatives in the country, the region and at EU level; and reconsiders possibilities for greater involvement of civil society organizations in EU integration processes.
The need for this Guide, developed by Ivana Petrovska, arises from the important role played by civil society organizations in the EU accession process. They should promote the European values before citizens, emphasize benefits from EU membership and, through cooperation with other organizations at EU level, to promote the EU integration process.
The Guide is available on this LINK.