This chapter covers the EU’s institutional and procedural rules. When a country joins the EU, adaptations are needed to existing rules in order to ensure the country’s equal representation in EU institutions (European Parliament, Council, Commission, Court of Justice) and in other bodies. Adaptations are aimed to ensure good functioning of decision-making procedures (such as voting rights, official languages and other procedural rules) and participation in elections for the European Parliament.
EU rules under Chapter 34 do not affect internal organization of any member-state.
The member-states should ensure their full participation in decision-making at EU level by setting up necessary bodies and mechanisms at national level, as well as procedures for election and appointment of representatives in EU institutions.
After completion of accession negotiations, specific rules for the interim period until accession ensure smooth integration of the country in EU structures. After the Accession Treaty is signed, the acceding country is given status of active observer in the European Parliament and the Council, as well as in Commission committees.