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Chapter 29 is almost exclusively comprised of legislation that is directly binding for member-states. It includes the EU Customs Code and its implementing provisions, combined nomenclature, common customs tariffs and provisions on tariff classification, custom duty relief, duty suspension and certain tariff quotas, and other provisions, such as those related to customs control of counterfeit and pirated goods, drugs precursors, export of cultural goods, and mutual administrative assistance in customs matters and transit.

The member-states are expected to ensure establishment of necessary implementation and enforcement capacities, as well as links to relevant EU computerised customs systems. The customs services are expected to ensure capacity for implementation and enforcement of the special rules laid down in related areas of the acquis, such as external trade.

Explanatory screening
  • Explanatory meeting for Chapter 29: Customs Union was held on 23 and 24 September 2019. Presentations from explanatory screening for this chapter are not publicly available at the moment.
Bilateral screening