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chapters / CHAPTER 18 | STATISTICS

Chapter 18 covers alignment of national statistics infrastructure with the EU principles such as impartiality, reliability, transparency, confidentiality of individual data and dissemination of official statistics. It provides the baseline for policy creation which, in turn, creates better conditions for more dynamic social and economic development.

This chapter is comprised of methodology, classifications and procedures for data collection in various areas such as macro-economic and price statistics, demographic and social statistics, regional statistics, and statistics on business, transport, external trade, agriculture, environment, and science and technology.

There is no need for transposition into national legislation on statistics, because most of the acquis is mainly in the form of regulations.

Explanatory screening
  • Explanatory meeting for Chapter 18: Statistics was held on 12 and 13 February 2019. Presentations from this meeting are available on the following link:
Bilateral screening