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chapters / CHAPTER 16 | TAXATION

Chapter 16 covers an extensive area of indirect taxation, namely value added tax (VAT) and excise duties. It lays down scope, definitions and principles of VAT. Excise duties on tobacco products, alcoholic beverages and energy products are also subject to EU legislation.

As regards direct taxation, the acquis under this chapter covers some aspects of taxing income from savings of individuals and corporate taxes.

The member-states are expected to comply with the principles from the Code of Conduct for Business Taxation, aimed at elimination of harmful tax measures.

Administrative cooperation and mutual assistance between member-states are aimed to ensure smooth functioning of the internal market in regard to taxation and to provide tools to prevent tax evasion and tax avoidance.

The member-states are expected to establish necessary capacity for implementation and enforcement of taxation, including links to relevant EU computerized taxation systems.

Explanatory screening
  • Explanatory meeting for Chapter 16: Taxation was held on 3 and 4 June 2019. Presentations from this meeting are available on the following link:
Bilateral screening